Monday, October 1, 2007

Jubilee Day

Saturday was Jubilee Day. The Sisters of Mercy had a mass and then the unveiling of a statue in Capitol Park-a huge deal seeing as how it is a religious statue on government property. It's there to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Sisters of Mercy. Saturday night Meghan and I went with the JVs to get frozen yogurt at this place called Big Spoon. The place is sweet, you can make your own ice creams and then they just charge you by weight. Afterwards, we went to their house and watched Animal House (the first time I had ever seen the whole thing:0)

Sunday was a relaxing day. I got some stuff done around the house and finished reading Fried Green Tomatos. I was excited when I found it in the library a few weeks ago because I love the movie and I enjoyed the book just as much. I got a few new books at the library yesterday as well. It's nice having time to read for pleasure rather than just school-it's a new thing for me and I'm enjoying the time.


Ryan said...

I agree that its awesome to finally be able to read for pleasure...not that I often read for school but I felt too busy to read for pleasure either. But I love it now!

stephanie said...

This all sounds boring. Except for the ice cream.