Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Benefit!

So after weeks and weeks of planning, calling radio stations, picking up donations and the like, the benefit has come and gone...and successfully! There were about 400 people there altogether and everyone had a great time. The benefit is really a time for Clean and Sober to raise some money by having a dinner with a silent auction and raffle. It's great for the residents because it gives them the opportunity to "shine." Tuesday, we went shopping with some of the residents so they could find outfits for the big night. Everyone gets all dressed up so they look wonderful, feel wonderful and have a great time. It was really nice to see everything come together after having worked on it for a while now. A few people made speeches about their stories and how far they have come but my favorite part was the count down they did at the end. My boss started calling people up by the amount of clean time they had so starting at 12 years and going all the way down to 1 day. It was really great to see everyone up on the stage together forming such a strong community. All the work that went into the Benefit was definitely worth it.

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