Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The move (the beginning of my catch up)

So New Start II is almost completely moved. Last Wednesday-Friday the bulk of the move was really done and I spent a lot of time driving people and their stuff around, building beds and going to the dump. Luckily, no one had their bed fall which was great because I would have gotten the blame and when driving Manny's truck, I managed to only drive over 5 nails! (This wasn't really my doing but I have gotten the blame, oh well). The flat tire was an improvement from the last time I drove his truck as I backed into a cement barricade at the dump (but I didn't really do any damage then either so it was okay). Everyone has all of their stuff over at the new place and seem to have settled in well. Now people who are on the waiting list will start going in which is very exciting for me because since I've started, there haven't really been any new people.

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