Sunday, October 28, 2007

Halloween Weekend!

This past weekend, Meghan and I ventured down to San Francisco again. The initial reason was because Brian was visiting some friends there and I was going to meet him for dinner. It just so happened that the JVC house in San Jose was having a Halloween party on Saturday night so it worked out really well. Friday night I met Brian at the BART and we took it into the Mission for dinner at a place called Range. It was a restaurant that he liked to go to when he was still living in San Fran and I provided an excuse for him to go again. It was really nice to see him-I miss having family around a little-and the food was delicious!

Saturday I spent the day poking around San Francisco. Meghan, Mike and Mike's two roommates and I walked a lot around the city just exploring. We climbed some big hills and got nice views of the city. Saturday night we headed down to San Jose, all dressed up as pirates! It was a fun night, good to meet some other JVs and just hang out. We came back this afternoon so we'd have some time to get ourselves together. It will be an early night as we didn't get much sleep this weekend.

Here's a shout out to the Sox too! The series is looking good, although it would be a little more exciting if the game right now was closer but GO SOX!

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