Saturday, September 29, 2007


So I went to the doctor's this morning to get my ankle checked out. On Wednesday, I tripped and landed on it funny and then when I was running on Friday, I stepped off the curb funny and felt something pop. There was no break or any fractures but I do have a nice sprain which is unfortunate. Not only am I walking around funny with it all wrapped up (no crutches for me at least), but now I can't run until it's better and I just started a challenge on with Stephanie. Don't worry though Stephanie, I'll catch up, it'll just be a late start.


stephanie said...

Oh no! That's such a shame! Hopefully it heals right up- around October 30th or so.

By the way- I dragged Jen to marathon sports with me because she was having shoe issues, and she loved it. Someday when either you or I have money, I'll bring you there to get fitted for running shoes. Maybe if you didn't wear $32 shoes, you wouldn't have sprained your ankle in the first place.

Julie said...

Listen, when I sprained my ankle the first time, I wasn't even wearing the running shoes so clearly, it was not the fault of the shoe. Don't worry though, although the doctor I saw wasn't very good and didn't tell me when I could start running again, it will be soon. Take advantage of my slow start.