This morning I had to get up really early (we're talking 5:30AM) to go to the United Way kick off breakfast. Clean and Sober sets up a booth where we hand out pamphlets and try to get our name out there and raise some money. (Clean and Sober does not accept any government funding so all the money they get is from donations and fundraisers). I wasn't too upset about this breakfast because they were giving us food and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was supposed to be there. After standing at our table for almost 2 hours, we went into the other room for breakfast where we found out that the Governor would not be there in person but "live" on satellite (or something like that). It was a huge let down. Not only did I wake up before the sun was up but the governor wasn't going to be there, and to top it off, the food wasn't good. I ended up eating a mini blueberry muffin and then some Life cereal when I got home. So disappointing.
Side note: This picture was the closest thing I could get of Flat Katherine and the Governor. There are some more pictures of Flat Katherine and the adventures she has had here.
Just so you know, people are going to think you're one of those crazy religious freaks when they see you carrying around a paper nun. Maybe you should play it up, and say things like "God forgives you for your sins" and "The Lord prays for you" as you smile and nod knowingly at them.
Um I've kind of been going the other route when I tell people that it's related to the program I'm with. Maybe I'll switch it up though, who knows.
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