Thursday, September 27, 2007

Our Talk...and my new shoes!

Our talk at Mercy High School went pretty well. We spoke for about 40 minutes and then answered a bunch of questions. We got some interest going for Mercy Volunteer Corps and it was a good experience. Last night we went and saw the movie Once which was very interesting and has a great sound track. I recommend it although I don't know how much longer it will be in theaters. Afterwards, we went out to a few bars in Oakland which was cool. Oakland is much busier compared to Sacramento and it was fun to see a new city and hang out with Mike and his roommates Julie and Rachel.
On our way back (which took forever because traffic was so bad) we stopped at the Vacaville outlets and I finally got some new running shoes. I needed new shoes really badly because mine are about 2 years old and my legs have really started to bother me. I have had a new pair in between my old ones but didn't bring them out here with me (I had pretty much run them into the ground). Anyway, because you're only supposed to put 300-400 miles on a pair of shoes and I've run about 350 just since Easter, I decided it was definitely time for new shoes. I spent a lot of time looking for some and finally found ones I liked today...and the best part was they were only $32!

1 comment:

Ryan said...

oo I like them...but PS. ur a giant dork for taking pictures of your shoes....dont worry, its not like its something I would put past doing myself so its ok :)...glad to be talking to you more regularly again!