Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My First Day (and a little bit of yesterday)

Yesterday we went to Mer's house. It was our first adventure driving and it went pretty well. We hung out at Mer's house for a little bit by the pool which was a lot of fun. It was funny to see her out in Sacramento when I'm so used to seeing her at school. After hanging out for a bit, we went to Whole Foods and got Meghan some special food and then we stopped at a dollar store and got some things for our apartment. We both went to bed early so we'd be ready for our first day of work!
We didn't have to go in until 9AM this morning for our orientation. We got the tour of the whole area which is much like a village. There is a small school, a health building, a law office type place, kitchens, women's shelters, and Clean and Sober, where I work, all under the name of Loaves and Fishes.
After touring on site, I took the tour of the two off site housing areas. They're for people who have committed themselves to being clean and sober and have no place to live. It's very affordable and there's a lot of support provided for all the individuals which is great. I will be working mostly in the walk-in office during the day and then around the off site areas towards the end of the day. It will be a very eye opening experience and I'm excited to get going.
Later today we'll be going to IKEA to get some more stuff for our apartment-I'm very excited-hopefully we'll find some great stuff!


Maura Sharp said...

Julie, What a fabulous adventure you and Meg are on! I wish you an eye-opening year, as you said, and a lot of fun. We love you.

Ryan said...

wow you are doing a pretty good job writing in ur blog...i hope im as good as you are :)

stephanie said...

Wow. I've had a blog for over a year, and mom hasn't made any comments on mine. I guess you're her favorite now too.