Wednesday, August 15, 2007


So first of all, let me apologize for the multiple entries in one day...I'm a little blog happy as a beginner. Bill is our neighbor and although we have only been here 4 days, we already find him very creepy. The first time we met was when he knocked on our door on Monday. Meghan opened it and said hi to which he responded, "are those your bikes," we said yes and he said "you'd better bring them inside or someone will steal them." It was only after Meghan said, "oh thanks for telling us, I'm Meghan by the way" did he say his name. Not so much an introduction but more of a side note. We have also been told that Bill might try and steal our parking spot-he told the owner (not knowing it was the owner) that it was his spot and that the owner said he could have it. He's very odd.
Today we got home from Ikea around 9:30 to find Bill watering the "plants" in the "front garden." He is a very creepy man. Meghan and I wanted to work on the gardens-just weed them some and cut some stuff back but now we're a little scared to touch them for fear of what Bill might do.

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