Sunday, August 19, 2007

My weekend

So my first week finished off nicely. On Friday morning, I went to an Alcoholics Anonymous at New Start 2. Both of the housing areas were there so there was a large number of people. It was very interesting for me, I had never been to a support group meeting and it was good exposure. Friday night we went to a Monarchs game (WNBA) with Dana (my boss) and Andrew (who had my position last year). It was really fun, I had never been to a WNBA game before. Afterwards, Meghan and I walked to the London Pub which is 15ish blocks away from our house. We hung out until 1:30ish (our latest night yet as we're still on Eastern time) and then came back and crashed.

Saturday was a lazy day then Saturday night we went to the Jesuit Volunteer house across town and met the other half of the JVCs. We got back kind of early and got a good night sleep. This morning, I woke up early to get to a baseball game where the residents of Clean and Sober played. I also go to play because they needed 2 females and the females that were there weren't very enthusiastic about playing. It was a lot of fun, we played 2 games and then there was a cookout. It was a tournament where all the teams were made up of AA groups so it was a very interesting experience. After I got home, Meghan and I went biking around Sacramento, did some errands and went to McKinley park. One of our errand was getting library cards so we had some books to read at the park-another very relaxing day. I'm looking forward to my second, and likely busier, week of work.

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