Wednesday, August 8, 2007


It is now Wednesday, the 4th day of orientation for Mercy Volunteer Corps (MVC). So far it's going great, everyone is a little tired but we're getting to know each other and learning a lot about what the upcoming year holds for us. My roommate, Meghan is from the Philadelphia area and seems really cool, I think we will get along very well. We're both very excited about getting to our apartment in Sacramento. The descriptions of the apartment and of what our jobs entail were very vague so we're both interested to see what we will be doing. Tomorrow my boss will be coming to Gwynned Mercy College so hopefully we'll learn more in the upcoming days.

1 comment:

stephanie said...

Yay! Three of the four of us have a blog! Now we just need to get paco in the mix. You should get a picture up in your profile too. I have a good one if you need it. Have fun out there! I love you!