Friday, August 24, 2007

First Full Week

So I'm almost done with my first full week of work! It's been pretty good. Yesterday I worked in the office by myself because Tina was out and it wasn't too bad-it was slow for most of the day but I did some intakes by myself. Last night we went to the first Monarchs (WNBA) game and they won! It was very exciting, now hopefully they'll win at least one of the next two games. Meghan and I made flat Katherine and brought her to the game with us and she'll be coming out with us tonight too! She's like our Flat Stanley who will soon be leaving us to visit all the other MVC sites. It'll be funny to see everywhere she ends up-I'll keep everyone updated.
We're going to the California state fair to see Lone Star! We got the tickets for the fair for free and it should be a really good time.

1 comment:

stephanie said...

Um...flat Katherine? I think you need to explain.