Saturday, January 10, 2009

Overdue update...again

So I went home for 2 weeks for Christmas and had an awesome time. The first week was busy, doing some last minute shopping and catching up with everyone. Christmas came and went pretty quickly. We had family over for dinner and dessert and it was really nice to see everyone. On the 26th, the four kids took Mom and Aunt Nancy to the Boston Pops symphony Holiday show. First we made them dinner at Stephanie's house and then went to the show. Afterward, the four kids went out in the city for our annual kids night. We went to one bar and then to another where we played pool. It was a pretty laid back night but fun to just hang out. The next day, our whole family went bowling, another annual tradition and had a blast. I bowled a 109, which I think is my best score ever and then went downhill in the next two games.
On the 28th, my birthday, we were having Wooden shoe (our traditional birthday breakfast) when Stephanie came in, with my birthday present! My family had flown out Sean from Cleveland as my present! It was very exciting, I hadn't seen him since August! The rest of the next week flew by. Sean got the tour of Boston, hitting all the tourist sights and we had a nice New Years at Stephanie's in Boston. On Friday, Traci came from NY for a visit. It was great to see her again. We went to the art museum during the day and then dinner in Porter Square. Saturday, after running some errands, she headed back home, while I began packing. My parents took Sean and I out for dinner Saturday night where the restaurant sang him Happy Birthday, an event he had never before experienced. We caught a movie after dinner and then headed home to pack some more. We got about an hour of sleep before heading off the airport to return home. It was a great trip home, although it went a little too fast but it's also been good being back in Sacramento.

1 comment:

Traci said...

yeah for the shout out!