Sunday, January 11, 2009

Lazy Weekends

The weather has been wonderful out here! Yesterday, I went for a run (the first in waaayyy to long, which I am now paying for) and then went to Starbucks to use the internet. For my birthday, Heather, Cara and Andrew took me out to dinner and then out for drinks. It was a lot of fun to just hang out. It was a pretty low key night where I got to play Yahtzee! It was on a computer thing at one of the bars we went to and because it's my new obsession, I had to play.
This morning has been really nice as well. I went to church this morning, after biking all over Sacramento because I got the times confused at different churches. Then I went to the local art museum to see an exhibit on Warner Bros. It was cool to see how each character was created. I didn't realize however that they stopped making Warner Bros. in 1969. Now I am again sitting in a coffee shop using the internet. It's nice to have the weekends to do whatever I want...although I will be heading home soon to clean my apartment for the housewarming with the Sisters of Mercy on Tuesday night.

1 comment:

Traci said...

bro, is our favorite sister coming?! Make sure you go steal some figs for her, bahaha.

Tell them i said NY is better than CA, pause, not.

and yeah, your obsession with yahtzee is a little odd, tool :P