Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A New Bicycle!

I got a new bicycle! I've been thinking about getting one for a while now but just hadn't done it yet. The final straw came when I was driving the car and it stalled. This is normal for a manual car but I drive an automatic. I'd been driving the past few days because I've been really sick. Not just a cold sick but double ear infections and strep throat sick. I don't know if I'd ever been so sick. I even ended up in the hospital because I almost passed out in the shower and scared myself. I'm feeling better now but because I've been sick, I haven't been riding my old bike as much and have been using the car. Seeing that the car isn't so reliable, I would have to use my bike. This is what I had.
It's hard to tell from the picture but it is a mountain bike. It is extremely heavy so difficult to get to my second floor apartment, the tires are always somewhat flat, no matter when I put in air, and only the front brakes worked. I decided that a new bike would be a very good investment so this is what I now have.

Again, hard to tell from the picture but it's teal and black, super light and...both brakes work! It rides really smoothly and I have a feeling my ride to work will be cut down quite a bit. It certainly helped me cheer up after being sick for so long.

1 comment:

Traci said...

ahhh im jealous, it looks great!! Watch out for the lite rail tracks hehe. Also, you better be getting some extra nappage in, i dont like to hear you are sick...makes me sad :( Hope to catch up when you recover, feel better buddy bear...im sending ya some love!