Monday, October 6, 2008

Los Angeles (kind of)

This weekend, I went down to Loma Linda to visit Meghan. Loma Linda is about an 1 1/4 hours south east of LA so it was a 7 hour drive from Sacramento. I left on Friday afternoon and got there late Friday night and then we ended up catching up for a while before going to bed. Saturday, we had a nice slow morning. We slept in, made breakfast and then ran errands. We went to a few thrift stores to find some furniture for Meg's apartment and then we went to the grocery store. Around 4, we went back to her place and watched a movie before going out for dinner and drinks. Sunday, we drove into LA and went to the Museum of Tolerance and then drove around for a bit, catching the Hollywood sign. We stopped at IKEA on the way back and got Meg a new dresser and bedside table, which we then spent the rest of the night setting up. Her apartment is now coming together, bit by bit! I left this morning for the long drive back to Sacramento so I could get some things done before going back to work tomorrow. Despite the long drive, it was a really great weekend and really good to see Meghan.

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