Thursday, October 16, 2008

Apple Picking!

This past weekend, I went up to Apple Hill with Traci, Heather and Andrew. It's about 45 minutes away and has about 20 apple orchards, maybe more. We first went to the orchard we went to last year but they didn't have a lot of good apples left so we moved on. We ended up at the third orchard shortly after and finding that we had gone too late in the season, we "picked" some apples out of some bins. It's not quite the same, although we did wander in the trees for a while looking for apples but they taste just as good. After "picking," we went to get some Cider donuts. They were delicious. We stopped for l-inner on the way back at this burger place not too far from us and then returned home. It was a really fun day and we got plenty of come the pies!

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