Traci, Cara O. and I went camping last weekend! We left Friday night and got to the campsite around 9PM...we were a little late in leaving. After setting up the tent and getting a fire going, we made some hot dogs and then s'mores. It was really nice and peaceful where we went and it was far enough from the city that we could see the stars really clearly.
Saturday, after a breakfast of hot dogs and s'mores, we went for a nice long hike. It ended at University Falls which was an area of beautiful waterfalls. We climbed all the way to the bottom (well Cara and I did, and it was no easy task) and then scaled the rocks with a rope that was attached. It was so nice to get away from Sacramento for a while and be out in the nature. On the way back, we stopped and got some lunch and then made it back to watch game 6 of the Red Sox vs. Rays series. It was a very nice and relaxing weekend. Here are some pictures.