Monday, August 25, 2008

State Fair!

Saturday, Traci, Gwen and I went to the California state fair. It was a lot of fun. We spent more time there this year than last year so we got more of a chance to walk around and check things out. We saw a bunch of animals-cows, goats, pigs and piglets and got to eat some good fair food. I had funnel cake which was delicious. At night, we watched the Gary Allen concert and got to see some fireworks on our drive back home. It was a fun day and a good community building experience.

1 comment:

stephanie said...

I recently had such a strong craving for fried dough that I actually made my own dough (we had yeast in the fridge) and fried it up to top with powdered sugar, etc. I chowed down like I hadn't eaten in years.