Wednesday, July 30, 2008


This past weekend was very eventful. Friday I took the afternoon off and went up to Tahoe for the night. I had never been there so I was excited to see it. It took a little longer to get up there than planned as the car overheated on the way up but it all worked out ok after pulling over on the side of the road for an hour. It was great not having any set plans because we were able to stop wherever we wanted on the way there. We found a cute art and craft show and stopped at the Nevada border to walk around. The weather was beautiful and there were lots of fun stores to look in. We even went to the casino to play the slots! We eventually headed up to our campsite to set up our tent and then walked down to the Lake. It was so nice, the water was a little cool but it was beautiful. Saturday we spent most of the day at the Lake and ended up very sunburned. Four days later, I'm still a little red. I guess that our travels were meant to be eventful because on the drive back, we stopped for a very long lunch where we were forgotten several times by the waitress and then when stopping at the gas station, I lost my wallet. I have yet to figure out exactly how this happened but either way, it's a real pain. I'm trying to remain optimistic however and remember that things could have been worse. Overall, it was a great trip and I really enjoyed Tahoe. I will certainly be making a trip back there at some point.

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