Tuesday, May 6, 2008


This past weekend, Erin came to visit! Erin is another Mercy Volunteer who Meghan and I met during orientation. Ironically, Erin also went to Villanova and graduated the same year but we had never met until volunteering. She got in Thursday night and left Sunday morning but it was a lot of fun having her here. She got to see where Meghan and I both work on Friday and meet the JVs that we hang out with. We went to Joe's crab shack on Friday night and then to an outside concert (for about 5 minutes) then to the JV house. Saturday, we went to McKinley Park for a while and then to a cookout at the JV house. Then she left Sunday morning, which was sad but it was great having her here.

The rest of May is also looking very busy. Meghan has a lot of visitors coming, including her parents, sister and friend and then I go home at the end of May. It should be a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to meeting new people.

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