Sunday, May 18, 2008

Bike Ride

Today, I went out for a bike ride with the intention of finding a spot along the river to lay out on. I had planned on biking for a while and had an idea of where I would stop didn't happen. The one place I had planned on stopping wasn't that nice so I turned around and was going to stop at a place I had seen earlier but I couldn't get there. It was across the river and after biking in circles, without realizing it at first, I gave up. It was a little too warm, over 100, to be biking around in circles so I ended up going home. Despite being a little sweaty, I felt good having biked ~20 miles! We'll see how good I feel tomorrow however when I try sitting down. Also, today my Mom graduated from grad school, Congratulations!

1 comment:

And said...

Wow, 20 miles in 100 degree temps! that's super impressive!