Thursday, December 13, 2007

Busy Busy

This week and next week are looking very busy. Tuesday night we had dinner over at Chris and Dan's (the ex-nun, ex-priest founders of Loaves and Fishes). That was a fun night, the JVs were there along with other volunteers our age from Loaves and Fishes. Yesterday, we had Sister Libby and Dorothy over for dinner which was also a fun night. Tomorrow, we have to go speak at some dinner for people who will hopefully donate money to Loaves and Fishes. Saturday, the JVs have their famous Christmas party and then Sunday, we have some concert during the day and then dinner with Sister Bridget. Next week, there's a party at transitional with New Start 1 & 2. We're going to have games, prizes and karaoke! I'm going to make some of Stephanie's sugar cookies and decorate them at New Start for the party. It should be a blast. After all this busy-ness, I'm going home! I don't anticipate a very relaxing vacation while I'm home but I'm very excited to see my family and friends, it's been 5 months!


stephanie said...

We're excited to see you too!

Ryan said...

yeah sorry mine are a lot longer than yours, but I always have so much to say by the time I actually write. I think you are going home today so have a safe flight and I hope I can see you next week!! :)