Sunday, April 26, 2009


Last night, Cara and I decided to go camping. It was very spur of the moment. We both needed a little time out of Sacramento and had been talking about going camping so last night, after packing the car at 8PM, we left for Rollins Lake. Rollins Lake is where the camp out is for Clean & Sober each year so the only time I had been there was with 1200 other people. Last night it was great. We got up there and set up the tent and started a fire and just hung out. This morning, I walked around the lake and then started another fire for some oatmeal. Around 11AM, we headed back to Sacramento. It was a very quick trip but really nice to get away for a little bit. The picture is of the log Cara found for the fire last night. We hadn't brought any wood and it was the only one she could find in the dark. It was very amusing, although not very effective.


Traci said...

hmm, this pattern of late night camping with you and looking for wood in the pitch dark rings a bell of another camping trip. Maybe somebody should teach you better camping skillzzz! lol

stephanie said...

I want to go camping. Did you make smores?