Saturday, February 7, 2009

Rock Climbing

Friday Night I went rock climbing! Not outside or anything too intense but to a rock gym right in Sacramento. It was a lot of fun. I had been once before with my brothers and remembered liking it but I think I only did one climb. This time I did a little more but not by too much. I climbed one whole path and my arms were burning by the end. I tried a few others but didn't make it all the way. I need to work on my arm strength before I try again. It made me feel weak.


Traci said...

we have like the exact same schedule of life! I just went to a rock gym to climb as well the other day. right on dude.

Dietitian Meghan said...

hey girls! haha, i went rock climbing about a month ago as well. we live parallel lives. this is weird.
ps. julie i miss u. too much, i think i might have to call u tonite.