Thursday, December 11, 2008


Life on the West Coast has been busy, busy, busy recently. I'll start back at Thanksgiving, because I haven't written since then. I cooked at my house and Cara and Andrew came over. After dinner, we went to Manny's sister's house which was a lot of fun. He has a big family and they were all very entertaining. The weekend after Thanksgiving, I moved...again, the 4th and final time! I'm now in a single bedroom apartment downtown. It's great, it's a lot closer to work and to people I know and it's really cute. It's all just redone so it's nice that I'm the first one to live in it. I'll post pictures later but I want to get it all set up first. It's almost there but I've been moving a few things around.
December has been good so far in the new place. It's getting colder out here to the bike rides to work in the morning are a little rough but I still like to be out in the fresh air. Nothing else too exciting has happened in the past few weeks, just preparations for the holidays at work and unpacking/rearranging at my place. This week we'll have a Christmas party for Clean and Sober and then for Loaves and Fishes the following night. Then Saturday, I go home for Christmas! I can't wait to be back home for 2 whole weeks, it'll be so nice to see everyone and hopefully see a little snow while I'm there!

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