Thursday, November 13, 2008


I haven't made a post in a long time because I have been without my computer. I had to send it in for some repair work and just got it back recently. Unfortunately, it wasn't fixed and instead they are buying out my contract so I'll start looking for a new one sometime around Christmas. For the time being, it still works so keep your fingers crossed that it will continue chugging along.

I have a lot to update now that it has been so long. The major thing is that Traci left. She decided that she wasn't meant to be out here serving at Maryhouse anymore so she went back to New York. Again, it's been a difficult transition time but I'm doing my best at staying busy. Meghan came up from LA Halloween weekend and we had a really good visit. She has also decided to return to the East Coast so it was nice to see her before she leaves.

The following weekend, my Mom came out to visit! It was a lot of fun and good to have someone around. I'm still in the three bedroom house until the end of this month so it gets a little lonely at times. My mom and I had a nice visit, going to the zoo on Sunday and doing a little shopping on Monday. We also cooked gnocchi on Sunday and went to Ruth Chris Steakhouse on Monday night for two delicious dinners! It was a really great weekend and I'm now even more excited to go home for Christmas and see everyone!

1 comment:

Traci said...

Just stalking you and reading your blog. If it makes you feel any better I am home alone all day and that is pretty nasty. UNtil you are settled, without a sense of inner peace, things can feel crappy. I hope you find peace when it is time, ha, i hope the same for me. I like checking in with ya on here, though I get VIP stories on the phone! hehe. much love missy.