Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I am right now trying to figure out what I want to do next year and I'm having a rather difficult time. I know it's a decision that I ultimately have to make but I thought that maybe some input from others might help. I could volunteer again (most likely the same place because I've come to really like it out here, plus I'm already trained), I could get a job in mental health out here, which I could get pretty easily, or I could move back East and work on finding a job out there. There are pros and cons for each decision which is why it is so difficult right now. Any help out there?


Ryan said...

my suggestion would be to work in mental health out there and get another year out there experiencing something a little different, getting more of a perspective of what you do and dont want to do with your life. Good Luck with the decision!

stephanie said...

NO! Ryan has bad advice. Come back to Boston. You'll just get stuck in CA if you find a real job there.
Seriously though, I think you should start looking on craigslist for jobs in this area, and see what comes up. Apply to what interests you, and see if you hear back from anything good. That way you'll have an idea of what's out there. Don't volunteer again either way- take a job out there over working for free for sure. That's taking the easy way out.

Nora said...

Ok here's my advice. I'd say to stay out there another year because I'm sure you'll end up back in Boston or at least the East coast at some point and may wish later in life that you spent another year in California. Sorry Steph! I don't want Steph sad on the other hand, so you should come back here to be with her.

stephanie said...

Nora isn't my friend anymore.

Nora said...

In the interest of keeping Steph as a friend, I wholey endorse the advice of you coming back to Boston ASAP.